Friday 27 December 2013

Our Team Of Angels In Heaven Surely Missed This Christmas

Thank you, Girisha for always
remembering our Nixie with a
memorial each year.

Hello There! Aunty B here to share the sorrow and the knowing that heaven is a better place for having two
more angels we have loved on earth. For all of us missing our loved ones this Christmas, and any time for that matter, this post is for you.

In March of this year we lost our dearly beloved Valerie Pauline Edwards Leonard Spedding. She was not only my sister in law, my husband's sister and confidante, but my mentor, sounding board and friend. This quiet lady taught me more than I can describe here in her sweet, completely non-judgmental way about unconditional love, acceptance and practicality in the too short fourteen weeks I lived with her. When I arrived at her home in Surrey, UK with my betrothed, her brother, 10 years ago it had been thirty two years since I last saw her, a mere child at her wedding in Entebbe, Uganda. We clicked instantly and I felt welcome and so at home with this sweet soul. It was a lovely way to come into my new family. Certainly like nothing I had ever experienced before.

Val doing what she did best, mentoring us all through the
stuff of life.
When my Nixie died, she cried with me on the phone, she talked and listened while I came to terms with this unimaginable loss for hours long distance across the Atlantic while I squatted in the middle of my kitchen floor at the other end of the phone wracked with grief. Valerie had a way of relating to everything a person was going through, having four children she was a true Mum taking in her children's friends treating them as she would her own, teaching them to read, giving them food and shelter, mentoring, loving, and finding the words to encourage no matter what their situation.When it came to difficult people, situations and loved ones with all their foibles, she would say, "What can we do but love them, warts and all". Now she joins our Nixie in heaven but we carry her forever in our hearts until one day we are able to meet again to hug, chat and drink endless cups of tea. ☺

Valerie had a sense of style which belied her sixty-five years. She was youthful, timeless, classy, fun-loving, and despite all of her health issues, food allergies and the rest, or maybe even because of them, she was an amazing cook. She could sew, knit, crochet, dance, and to us who relied on all of her senses like her best friend, Yvonne, her children, brothers, sisters in law and granddaughter, we will feel forever lost without her guidance and encouragement. Every time we accomplish something, need advice, think of something funny, don't know what spice goes with what meat, how to make crackling, how to get our dog used to being in a travel crate, we didn't need Google or GPS, we had Val. And now her essence guides us from heaven.

Our trip to the UK for Val's funeral doubled as a little mini holiday as we hadn't see the family in 6 years. We caught up with old friends and both our families, alike. Visiting my Uncle Ronnie we finally got to meet and spend time with my now adult cousins, Steven and Laura. When I last saw Steven he was five years old and Laura was 5 months old. It was Good Friday so Uncle Ronnie prepared seafood and vegetarian fare. Steven who teaches yoga to small children and salsa to adults is an all round creative peaceful spirit moving through this incarnation at his unique vibration and pace.

He tells the story of my dad, Steven's Uncle Eric giving him a guitar at age three, which he never picked up. Then suddenly 20 years later he decided to pick up a guitar and teach himself to play it because he wanted to create music for the mudras. What followed was this beautiful performance which to me felt like a healing balm timed just days after our farewell to our beloved Val. Steven wrote this song for a friend who passed away. Laura assisted being the "scroller extraordinaire" allowing Steven to be reminded of the lyrics he had saved on his mobile.

In the days to follow we shared this video with Val's children having the same comforting effect. Upon our return to Canada, my friend, Wanda came by with the the sweetest condolence card for us along with soothing tea and preserves she had made.  We sent a scan of the beautifully appropriate card to our Val's children who were as blessed by it as we were. This sympathy card was Wanda's favourite. I am honoured to share it with you here.

The beautiful elephant sympathy card from Wanda

Wanda on the bus trip where
we met in October 2012

Wanda herself was gravely ill but knowing our Val was terminal, she sent me on the trip with her blessings saying, "You will of course stay for as long as she needs you." Wanda sadly passed away just two weeks before Christmas and I firmly believe that she joins my tribe of angels in heaven along with Nixie and Val. We had known each other only 14 months but she was a tiny person with a huge spirit and I feel blessed to have had her on my soul's journey.

It is truly awe inspiring to me that these ladies with whom I've shared so little time here on Earth touched my life is such a deep way.  Merry Christmas in heaven, Val and Wanda. We shall miss you until we meet again.

Until next time, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and wishes fulfilled for 2014. 
Aunty B
a.k.a. Viv

Thursday 15 August 2013

Our Healing Comes Eventually When A Soul We Love Goes Back To Heaven

The last time we hugged
Hello There, Aunty B here on what would have been my sweet Nixie's 34th birthday.

I say Happy Happy Birthday to my sweet godchild today knowing that time is only here on Earth. Her soul is timeless and we are eternally connected.

One of my cherished memories as her godmother is when she said "You know Aunty B whenever I felt afraid or needed a safe haven, I found a church, no matter the time of day or night and would sit there in God's house until I was strong enough to face the world outside again". It is our job as godparents to teach our children about God and before she died, Nixie told her mother, my sister, Juliette that the best thing she ever did was choose me as her godmother.

From her place among the free and the ascended (by that I mean having gone through the lessons she and God chose for her in this lifetime as Nichole Cherise Amyotte), she is blessing us with messages and lighting our way to better places and choices.

Two years ago on this day, my first Reiki client arrived. Today on this day, his sister's birthday, Daniel begins his new career as a chef finally following his divine plan.  There is no coincidence and short of materializing in front of us and saying "do this, this way, apply here, start your biz!",  Nixie's essence is hugely affecting the synergism of the universe of which we are all a part and intricately intertwined to open the doors to experiences we were predestined to have. We agreed long before now that we would help remind each other of our gifts, our talents and our life's purpose and from heaven, she is keeping her end of the bargain. I know this because huge things are happening to those she loves and for now her way of telling us this is to have it happen on her birthday.

Interestingly, I too have another new client booking for Reiki today! Thank you Nixie for never letting me stray from my path.

As I said on Facebook, this morning, "There will never be closure and I will be sad that we lost you so soon until I see you again".

This is Nanny's song for you, Nixie.
She's just not the same since you've gone ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy Happy Birthday in heaven, my sweet godchild. Your bright shining Light is always shining upon us and we are blessed by your work on the Other Side, but wish we still had you. The void is never filled. There is no closure. I will be sad you left us until I see you again. ♥ ♥ ♥

For my Nixie ♥

Thanks to for these inspirational images. 

Until next time, tell those you love how much they mean to you. Hug them and love them for time waits for no one.
Aunty B
Please leave me a comment so those of us who miss Nichole don't feel so alone...