About Our Souls Journey

Hello from Aunty B. Our Souls Journey is written under the nom de plume, "Aunty B" because that's what I was christened at age seventeen by my first nephew, "Danny-Poo". When I was introduced to Instant Messaging in 2002, it was only natural that my user name would be "Aunty B". My original tutour on IM, said I should change my handle as it's not who I am. This person, though a relative, obviously did not know who I am as anyone who knows me, really knows me, knows that I'm nothing if not "Aunty B". My nephews and nieces inspire me as I hope I inspire them. They make me proud, they keep me young and they kindly allow me to leave my legacy in hopes of sharing my struggles with my own divinity so that they and other young people can gain insight and validation as they encounter some of the same hurdles along their souls journey here and beyond.

As I have mentioned in a post or two, I started this blog as a way of coping with the immense grief I feel over the loss of my sweet godchild, Nixie, who was only thirty-one years old leaving behind four children, one nephew and three nieces. There are so many more people who loved Nixie. As my cousin, Cher said, "There isn't a person who met her who didn't say what a beautiful human being she was".

Her funeral, much to soon for those of us left behind, although such a sad farewell was a beautiful celebration of her life and onward eternal journey of her soul. Follow the link in the sidebar to see a brief description under "Online Tributes..." click the link "Nixie's Beautiful Funeral".

The expressions of faith, divinity, belief, ideas, views and opinions are my own and those of the people whose writings I share upon this blog. I share them as a way of expression, wonder and inspiration. That's all. Freedom of expression is reserved. You are also free to stop following if you disagree with anything posted here. Bear in mind, folks have shared odes, tributes and stories which may have circulated via e-mail and generally online, some recently and others for a long time not always identifying the author, like the one I read at my Nixie's funeral, handed to me minutes before I delivered it from the lectern. These verses are still around because they have helped so many through difficult times and continue to help still more. If you have information regarding authors and/or copyright please leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to edit, correct, add and give credit where due.

I wish to thank my friend, Trudy, who follows this blog (see followers in the sidebar) for being my sister from heaven and for teaching me everything I know about blogging. She has truly taken me to a whole new level when it comes to understanding all things online.

This is a personal blog, not commercial in any way on a free platform, Google's Blogger where you might see ads, none of which are placed or endorsed by me personally. I do not receive any commission or renumeration of any sort from anything on this blog.

Thought for the day: Pursue your divinity. No one is born knowing their divinity. All the great masters had to search, learn, and overcome challenges on their way to enlightenment. In our own daily struggles, I feel, though we may be lesser mortals, we are here to discover our divinity and our sacred task. As Oprah Winfrey said, "We are more alike than we are different" and as Ellen DeGeneres says, "Be kind to one another".

Love and Light,
Aunty B