Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy Times Forever...The Inception and The Rest Of the Story

My dad, the one and only Eric
Hello There. Aunty B here to share in Steven's words, the actual inspiration behind his song, Happy Times Forever, and his connection to my dad, affectionately known to Steven as Uncle Eric and to Nixie as Papa Eric.

When I composed my last post, Our Team of Angels in Heaven Surely Missed This Christmas, I promised Steven I would correct inaccuracies which included his song and so I will begin with Yoga. In addition to teaching youngsters, he also teaches Yoga and Salsa to adults.

Steven's journey to playing the guitar; did begin with Uncle Eric buying him his first guitar, his own words,
 "I think I was older than 3 years old though, as I remember him saying I had an ear for music and him telling my Dad I should learn an instrument. I still have that little guitar ☺, then when Uncle Eric died I made myself a promise to learn to play the guitar one day." Note: My dad passed away in November of 1991. Steven is my father's brother, Ronnie's son.
Continuing with Steven's journey in his own words...
 "Then two and a half years ago I did my Yoga teacher training and had a strong urge to put melodies to all the beautiful mantras we were using. So I fixed an old guitar of my Dad's and began learning, about a year and half ago I had written melodies to the mantra's but thought it maybe a good idea to write some songs. The song I played for you was one of the first songs I wrote. Happy Times Forever came after reflecting on loss during meditation. We all lose people in our life and the sadness of that loss is carried with us through our life. This lead to the question of how we cope with this sadness? The thought was that as well as the sadness we also carry all the happy memories of that person or animal. And then something miraculous happens the sadness balances with the happy thoughts and allows us to live in the joy and gratitude of all that was shared which makes the sadness bearable, and we know that in these memories they will be with us always. Then the scene described in the song came to my mind. A husband at the side of his wife's bed who is in a coma and he must choose when to switch off the life support machine. And in those last moments he is going through the process of balancing sadness and happy memories and comforted by the thought of her being always by his side." 

I just love this man's creativity and more so the fact that we come from the same family tree. It warms my heart that his musical gift comes to him much the same way as my writing comes to me making us in a way kindred spirits. It's such a beautiful demonstration of how manifestation occurs and how the synergy of the universe is continuously at play in our lives. Namaste. ☯

Steven gives his permission saying,
 "Use what need for the blog, I'm glad the song gave comfort to you and Val's children. Thank you for sharing... Just a quick note; did you see Laura and I at different times when we were young as there are only three years between us? (>‿♥) "
And so I now realize that little guy feeding his 5-month-old baby sister her bottle on our brief stop over in London enroute to Nairobi all those years ago was only 3 years old and not 5. They were just so cute at that age and have grown up with those beautiful faces intact to become lovely adults. Steven, I have spoken about, and Laura is the perfect culmination of all of the best parts of Uncle Ronnie and Auntie Nicky with a modern "woman of the millennium" sort of quality about her making her soft enough and strong enough to confidently grace the planet with her gifts, something we have each come here to Earth's schoolroom to discover and share.

Thank you both, my cousins for allowing me and my readers a small glimpse of your world in the sacred cherished moments of family gathering in our sad times and always, our happy times forever.

Until next time, hug your peeps, tell them you love them and know there will always be happy times forever.

Aunty B