Tuesday 21 June 2011


Hello There, Aunty B here to share with you another beautiful heartfelt poem by my sweet and talented niece, Jahnia. Like me, she writes from her soul and as a way of working through her emotions, especially the tragic loss of her mommy, my sweet godchild, Nixie. 

Thank you so much Jahnia for conveying what we all would like to have the words to say. We feel your pain and your loss and are very proud of how you have grown up. Keep writing as you write just beautifully and as time goes by it will help your sister and your brothers to read your poems and know what a loving mother Nixie was. She's smiling on you all from heaven.

Days go bye and bye but I never seem to forget what happened.

I wanna forget that part of it  but never forget U.

As days go bye, I think and think and think,  why!

WhY did it have to happened to the most wonderful girl, the most

Respectful girl, my mom, my bestfriend, and the girl I could to tell

everything, the girl that deseved much more than she had

but as the days go by I will never forget !

written by : Jahnia Amyotte

Thursday 16 June 2011

Amidst The Sadness Come Memories of Fun Shared in The Past

Hi There,

Aunty B here to share a story from a lady my precious Nixie knew but I didn't. I want to thank you, "Hope Place Sister", for sharing the fun side of my Nixie. These are the wonderful memories that keep her in our hearts and comfort us knowing that so many loved and cherished her. If you would like to contact me, kindly leave a comment below and I'll get back to you right away.

I share your story here just in case the funeral home Web site has a time limit on the guestbook for our dearest departed loved ones. Thank you for sharing those happy times we might not have otherwise known Nixie had.

Hope Place Sister <3

First of all, I would like to say how truly, deeply sorry I am to Nicoles family and children. She was a beautiful girl, with a beautiful heart and soul. She left us all too soon, but God has gained another wonderful angel.
We were at Hope Place in Milton in December of '09. I only knew Nikki for a short time, but in that time I got to know her very, very well. Besides her wonderful smile, the thing I remember most about her was the love she had for her beautiful children. She spoke of them all the time, and I remember that on one of our few shopping trips while at Hope place, she came back with hundreds of dollars worth of Christmas gifts for her babies, and she was so proud and so happy that she was able to do that for them.

My final memory of Nikki was (of course) also, at Hope Place. At night Nikki and her roommate and me and my roommate would try to scare each other and outdo the other from the night before. Well, Nikki had gotten us pretty good the night before by hiding in our closet and jumping out at us when we entered the room. She scared us... badly! We all (especially Nikki, who was pretty proud of herself, lol) laughed for a very long time over that. The next night my roommate and I were listening to Nikki and her roommate talking in their room late at night, from the window. Not only were we all suppose to be inside by then,but Hope Place was just a house in the middle of nowhere, far back from the main road, surrounded by nothing but forrest and fields for miles. So she didn't expect anyone to be outside.

We waited silently for a few minutes and then I banged on their window as fast and as hard as I could, and scared the crap out of them. Nikki literally jumped onto the other girls bed an hid behind her while still screaming. By the time we came in and made it to their door, they were still in the middle of the room holding onto each other trying to look out the window from across the room. When they realised it was us, I'm pretty sure that she threw some stuff at us, but soon began to laugh just as hard, if not harder then we were.

She had such a wonderful sense of humour. She was usually always smiling or laughing. She loved to talk too which sometimes got her in trouble..lol) At Hope place we had alot of very serious very deep discussions about our past among other things, and Nikki would be the first one to reach out to another, when they were crying or sad, or just having a hard time expressing what they needed too, and give them a hug, a tissue, or even a sympathetic look, or a knowing smile. She had a very generous heart, and I will truly truly miss her. She was and always will be my Hope Place sister, and like I said, we lost a beautiful woman from our lives, but gained a wonderful angel to watch over us all.

I miss you Nikki, and am so upset we lost touch over the past few years. You touched my heart in many ways, and I think of you often. Your children and your family are in my heart. <3
RIP Nikki 
Once again, I thank you for your sweet and precious memories, Hope Place Sister, and wish you all the success you deserve on your own journey of healing and wholeness.

Much love and blessings, 
Nixie's Aunty B