Tuesday 21 June 2011


Hello There, Aunty B here to share with you another beautiful heartfelt poem by my sweet and talented niece, Jahnia. Like me, she writes from her soul and as a way of working through her emotions, especially the tragic loss of her mommy, my sweet godchild, Nixie. 

Thank you so much Jahnia for conveying what we all would like to have the words to say. We feel your pain and your loss and are very proud of how you have grown up. Keep writing as you write just beautifully and as time goes by it will help your sister and your brothers to read your poems and know what a loving mother Nixie was. She's smiling on you all from heaven.

Days go bye and bye but I never seem to forget what happened.

I wanna forget that part of it  but never forget U.

As days go bye, I think and think and think,  why!

WhY did it have to happened to the most wonderful girl, the most

Respectful girl, my mom, my bestfriend, and the girl I could to tell

everything, the girl that deseved much more than she had

but as the days go by I will never forget !

written by : Jahnia Amyotte

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