Monday 12 September 2011

God's Light Is Always Present

Hello, from Aunty B after too long. There is a reason for my delay, though. I have been trying in vain to access the wallpaper on my cell phone so that I can share this story with you.  Today I gave up and just took a photo of the cell phone as best I could with my digital camera. Please forgive the blurry-ness.

Some time in February of this year, a couple of months before my precious Nixie passed away, late one evening I received a photo on my cell phone. It came from a number I didn't recognize and was part of a broadcast to several recipients. It was a weekend and I knew Nixie, being Nixie, had her two oldest children with her and probably a niece or two as well visiting to spend time with the baby. He was only 5 months old then. Irritated that she stored my new number in her phone, assuming the kids messing around, probably clicked random people to text on it. I looked at the message to find this very beautiful but sad photo of her, which I now cherish. Incidentally, her middle name is Cherise, which her mummy, my sister chose because it means to her "dear one". When she passed away on April 16th, I made this photo my cell phone wallpaper.

The months have passed and along the way I have had inklings, nudges, feelings and little lights of dawning, always when I have been on my daily walk with my dog or during meditation, those times when I am alone and talking to my precious Nixie in her now divine-again state, but none like this one. Now I can't give you the exact date of this profound moment, but it shook me and elated me all in one swoop. I sat at my computer, which also had a photo of Nixie and I as the desktop wallpaper so that I could see her when I talk to her each morning as I begin my day. I plugged my cell phone in to charge. The photo of her above looked back at me from my cell phone seeming so deep in thought. Then I looked at the one of her and I on my desktop, the second one from the left up here in the banner of this blog, where she's hugging me from behind and said, "Go on sweet godchild of mine. Do great things. Make loving, nourishing choices. Graduate with flying colours. Give beautiful valediction and as you dreamed in this life, go on to teach others from your mistakes and help them pull themselves back up out of the holes their choices have dug for them. I am proud of you for trying so hard, for wanting so much to help others you saw suffering as you did, barely healed yourself. We'll be ok here. Just show us who you are when we meet again so we recognize you".

I went on to check e-mail, the cell phone screen off now, and worked on my computer for a little while. Momentarily, the phone chimed to let me know it was fully charged and I unplugged it from the charger. I was astounded when I turned it on to find with no action on my part that my wallpaper had changed to the hallway of light. Yes I know this is a stock wallpaper graphic on some phones, but I did not touch my phone all the time it was charging. I had never seen this picture before and I certainly never knew it was even in my cell phone software. As I said, I have been trying in vain to retrieve this picture to write about my message for months.

The interesting timing of this incident was after I had been speaking to a very spiritual friend who has seen me through many a trial over the past nineteen years or so. She explained that it did your loved one's soul no good to sit about sad, wishing she were still here, in fact it hindered the soul's journey and ultimate onward evolution. She went on to describe the process, as she saw it from the moment of death. She said that your soul immediately goes through a kind of viewing process of each and every decision taken in this lifetime and the consequences that arose from it. Simultaneously, there is a choice made to choose a different result until a new incarnation is formed. Ironically, not knowing anything about my precious Nixie, my friend said, maybe she will choose to be a social worker or a counsellor in the next life to help those who have faced the same trials as she did. I was floored by this confirmation, as I saw it from the divine. Funnily enough, I have not been able to send or receive MMS on my cell since I received that photo of Nixie in February.

I spoke to my friend just at the right time, I got my cell phone message just at the right time, and today I figured that this story must be told so I was given the inspiration to take the photo another way, just at the right time. I also believe that my Nixie chose to make her transition back to the divine at exactly the right time for her souls eternal journey. I remain open to the signs, wherever and whatever they may be.

Until next time, hug someone you love,

Aunty B

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