Saturday 14 May 2011

She Rehearsed Her Poem Until She Read It Without Crying

Hello My Loved Ones. Today I bring you the poem, my other goddaughter, Miss Mew read for her cousin, Nixie.

When she heard her cousin had just died suddenly, as we all did, she cried and cried and hugged her Mom. She was with her friends on her way to see a movie. They promised her Mom they would be there to help her through her grief as they proceeded on to the theatre.

Her schooling has served her well. She has taken a public speaking class but nothing could make delivering a poem for her cousin at her funeral easy. She arrived at Nanny's house after an all-night coach ride and read it to her Auntie Julie, Nixie's Mom. She had read it to her own Mom. I arrived late that evening and she read it to me. Each time she managed another paragraph with less pausing to choke back her tears. The final rehearsal was at the casket. Miss Mew thought if she managed to read it through without breaking down to Nixie herself in her casket at the funeral home, she would be able to do it in front of the congregation in the church.

As she approached the lectern she took a deep breath. She began by introducing herself as Nixie's cousin from Pittsburgh and then thanked everybody for coming. She did us proud, reading strongly and steadily with her mother, Nixie's Aunty Odie and myself standing behind her, one step below her, each with a hand on her back. This is the poem, my sweet godchild, Miss Mew read for her precious cousin, Nixie:

An Angel whispered to Nixie,
take my hand and come with me
you're work here is done.

Nixie went away to a place
where there are no tears, nor sorrow
only laughter and smiles,
there will always be a Tomorrow.

As Nixie moves amongst the clouds.
She’ll look down and smile upon us
while the angels sing a heavenly song.

Nixie is not alone; all who went before are there.
Papa Eric, Mama, Aunty Ada & Uncle Howard awaited her return.

Nixie knows we'll grieve and wish she was still here
But she is here in the memories we hold dear.

Remember how much Nixie loves us
and know she took our love with her.
She did not wish for us to cry, nor feel sad.
Her pain is gone and she is Free!

Soon we'll go to join her.
Until then God will be with us
Just as He's with Nixie.
She ended with a teary "I love you, Nixie" and walked back to her pew with the dignity and class we who have seen her grow up were filled with pride and joy to witness. "Well done!", I whispered as I took my place at the lectern not doing nearly as well as my sweet Miss Mew did.

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