Saturday 7 May 2011

When Grief Strikes, Poems From Past Come To Mind

Aunty B here with a beautiful poem shared with me by a kindred spirit I have just discovered since my precious Nixie left us. This young lady can be found under the link, "A Valediction" in the sidebar. I believe my beloved Nixie wanted us to meet. I'm just saddened that it had to be in the event of her departure from this life.

I found this poem awhile ago & I think it perfectly describes Nichole. Needless to say that I think about her a lot. Siegfried Sassoon wrote poetry during and after WWI. So, I guess this is highly appropriate because as you said I was in the "trenches" with Nix once. Really it's her laugh that I remember the most.


Your dextrous wit will haunt us long
Wounding our grief with yesterday.
Your laughter is a broken song;
And death has found you, kind and gay.

We may forget those transient things
That made your charm and our delight:
But loyal love has deathless wings
That rise and triumph out of night.

So, in the days to come, your name
Shall be as music that ascends
When honour turns a heart from shame...
O heart of hearts! ... O friend of friends!

-Siegfried Sassoon

Thank you so much, Girisha. I too remember her hearty, loud laugh. She came by that honestly as her mum and I have it too. When we were kids growing up there was a market in Kenya called Makadara Market and our elders always admonished us for not laughing like ladies, saying to stop that "Makadara Laugh". Funnily, Jennifer Lopez and Julia Roberts laugh the same way and always remind me of Nixie when I hear them laugh.

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